Find balance and restore the equilibrium

Find balance and restore the equilibrium

The term ‘life balance’ seems to be a bit of an oxymoron of late rather than a state of being.
equilibrium  - Definition
n pl -riums, -ria [-rɪə]
1. a stable condition in which forces cancel one another
2. a state or feeling of mental balance; composure
3. (Physics / General Physics) any unchanging condition or state of a body, system, etc., resulting from the balance or cancelling out of the influences or processes to which it is subjected See thermodynamic equilibrium
4. (Physics / General Physics) Physics a state of rest or uniform motion in which there is no resultant force on a body
5. (Chemistry) Chem the condition existing when a chemical reaction and its reverse reaction take place at equal rates
6. (Physics / General Physics) Physics the condition of a system that has its total energy distributed among its component parts in the statistically most probable manner
7. (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Physiology) Physiol a state of bodily balance, maintained primarily by special receptors in the inner ear
8. (Economics) the economic condition in which there is neither excess demand nor excess supply in a market
[from Latin aequilībrium, from aequi- equi- + lībra pound, balance]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

We know that maintaining a healthy life balance is essential for both our happiness and well-being; it enhances our productivity and careers. A person with a well-balanced life has a far greater ability to focus their attention and energy on attaining their goals, taking productive actions and moving forward in a meaningful way towards self-actualization.
Maintaining balance might be a first for many, as some might never have known what it means to live a balanced life, or what it feels like when in a state of balanced flow…
… So, what does life balance really mean? What would a balanced life look like to us? And most importantly, how do we go about achieving it within our hectic work – life schedules?

‘Our bodies are well adapted to this state of affairs and respond appropriately when conditions deviate from their optimal state. This ability of an organism to maintain equilibrium (balance) by adjusting appropriately to the external environment is known as homeostasis.

Therein lay the key to understanding balance. Balance is the taking of appropriate action when circumstances dictate, so as to maintain equilibrium. It is said that the great achievement of the sages of old was the achievement of great balance as human beings. How did they achieve great balance? In the present moment, when things would come up, they would respond accordingly.'

There are steps you can take to change what isn’t working and get back some control and balance in your life. Once you start seeing results you’ll be better equipped to maintain that new found equilibrium. The key is not to try to change everything at once, but to make small adjustments over time to determine what works for you. Eventually you will have a whole new set of positive life habits and you’ll never look back!
“There is no secret to balance. You just have to feel the waves.” – Frank Herbert
Some strategies that work:


1. Get sufficient exercise. Regular push ups, sit-ups, crunches, jogging or walking are examples. Unless you are disabled in which case you can learn a modified exercise regimen.
2. Get sufficient rest. About eight hours of sleep helps the body repair itself. You may personally need more or less, as sleep requirements vary between people.
3. Eat healthier. Look online and find the food pyramid, then try balancing your caloric intake with your exercise. There are several competing food pyramids, so pick one or two because following all of them would be too hard. “Food is an important part of a balanced diet.” – FranLebowitz
4. Find time to relax. Just lie down and think about what you did before you started relaxing, then let it go.
5. Pick a hobby that you enjoy. Hobbies can counter daily stress.
6. Plan out your day, set goals and visualize, but don't stress out if you don't accomplish everything just the way you planned. Remain flexible and try different approaches to your goals. Remember, sometimes life happens, and you may not have time for everything. Just be productive in the time you have.
7. Write but keep it positive. No negative thoughts. If you have negative thoughts, do not write them down. Find someone you can vent negative thoughts to -- pretending to be happy all the time will do no good for you in the long run.
8. Find out and develop your talents. Go out and do activities to find what you like and then pursue the one or two that strike your fancy. If you do three of them that will be too stressful.
9. Keep a diary or journal. This would be a good place to write things. Write down three things or that you appreciate each day.
10. Read. There's something for everyone- check out your local library & book stores to test the waters.
11. Try to set goals that are reasonable to achieve. Unreasonable goals are harder and will probably just lead to disappointment.
12. Meditate or pray.
13. Communicate with nature. Go outside, hike, go camping, or have fishing trip. You may find yourself doing most of the talking.
14. Do a good deeds for other people. Pay kindness forward.
15. Cooperate with other people that you meet.
16. Listen to other people. There is difference between just hearing the words and actually paying attention and listening to them.

17. Mend hurt relationships with loved ones, say sorry.
18. Get a good education. To get a good self-supporting job, master the skills necessary for your advancement. That way you will not be dependent upon anyone else.
19. The job has to be the one you love. "Love it or leave it."  Or learn to love it!
20. Money is not the most important thing.  Fulfilment and Happiness are the most important things. “Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance and order and rhythm and harmony.” – Thomas Merton

“Finding a sense of balance and harmony at some point in any aspect of life will soon turn to disharmony and loss of balance if you try to hold on and freeze that moment forever. Such action is futile and will only lead to pain and your own suffering. The only constant is change. The waves come in, break and recede. Then they roll on in again. Instead of fighting and being tumbled painfully ashore, feel the waves coming and ride them out.” – Stephen Cox

Live well!
Marie Joshua
Wellness Practitioner & Psychological Counsellor


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