Managing your stress and anxiety in the workplace - Occupational, emotional, social and physical well-being in the workplace.

We have all experienced feeling stressed and anxious at work from time to time. It is important to understand the root cause of our stress and to make the necessary adjustments to manage our stress. Here are some tips for understanding and managing stress in the workplace for your well-being. Common causes of stress in the workplace Long hours. Job security, particularly in relation to terms of employment. Poor work relationships due to lack of support, bullying and harassment, as well as poor relationships with colleagues. Lack of resources, communications and time. Lack of information about what is going on in the organization and how you make a positive contribution. Poor time management or lack of time. Overload and unrealistic deadlines and expectations. Control & micro management by manager and lack of involvement in the decision making process relating to the job. Feeling that you are not good enough. Work interfering with...