Well-being and fulfilment ... Wellness, Well-Being, Happiness, Fulfilment, Contentment and Accomplishment. How do we achieve these states of being in a life time? We all want it but sometimes don't know how to attain it, or where to begin... So I would recommend starting from where you are! Sounds easy enough, but do you know where or at what stage, phase or state of being you are at? To assess where you are, you would need to start with a high level of self awareness and do some introspection. You would need to take a close look at each dimension or part of your life and ask yourself ' AM I WELL IN THIS AREA OR DIMENSIONS OF MY LIFE? ' You can use the wellness wheel and the dimensions of wellness for this assessment -Social wellness, Emotional wellness, financial wellness, Occupational wellness, Spiritual wellness, Educational wellness, Environmental wellness, Mental wellness, Sexual wellness, Physical wellness etc... Ask you self these questions: Are these...