WELLNESS: WHAT IS IT ALL ABOUT? Most of us have heard the word WELLNESS in the media, at our gyms, from our doctors, therapists, psychologists, spiritual leaders, we see it in advertising, we hear about it at our places of work and see it on the products we consume. Wellness is being shouted at us on a daily basis, but what does it all mean? Many people think of wellness in terms of physical health & wellness or often confuse wellness with physical fitness, in other words – maintaining a healthy body, keeping your body physically fit through regular exercise, eating nutritious food that nourishes and fuels our bodies, and going for regular medical check-ups to prevent disease. This is physical wellness and it is only one of many dimensions or aspects of wellness. So let’s look at what wellness really means and what it means to our lives... “Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a more successful li...