Understanding Stress: Symptoms, Signs, Causes and Effects

Stress leads to crisis and crisis leads to stress! So check yourself before you wreck yourself... Understanding Stress Symptoms, Signs, Causes, and Effects Modern life is full of hassles, deadlines, and demands. For many people, stress is so commonplace that it has become a way of life. In small doses, stress can motivate you and help you perform under pressure. But when you’re constantly running in emergency mode, your mind and body pay the price. You can protect yourself by recognizing the signs and symptoms of stress and taking steps to reduce its harmful effects. In This Article: What is stress? How do you respond to stress? Signs and symptoms of stress overload How much stress is too much? Causes of stress Effects of chronic stress Dealing with stress What is stress? The Body’s Stress Response When you perceive a threat, your nervous system responds by releasing a flood of stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol. These hormon...