
Showing posts from 2013

Self-acceptance as a catalyst for flourishing in your life – live your extraordinary life!

Self-acceptance as a catalyst for flourishing in your life – live your extraordinary life! In psychology self-acceptance is defined as affirmation or acceptance of self in spite of weaknesses or deficiencies. It’s got to do with accepting the good with the bad,  the positive and the negative aspects of yourself, as well as being completely comfortable in your own skin.   This is easier said than done for most people. Self-acceptance can be one of the most challenging and difficult life shifts one can make, but it's also the most rewarding and life-changing! According to Shepard (1979), self-acceptance refers to an individual's satisfaction or happiness with himself, and is thought to be necessary for good mental health. Self-  acceptance involves self-understanding; meaning a realistic, albeit subjective, awareness of one's strengths and weaknesses. It results in an individual feeling that he/she is of "unique worth" in spite o...

The empowered woman - Warrior Woman!

What is women's empowerment? Women's empowerment has five components: A women's sense of self-worth ; Their right to have and to determine choices ; Their   right to have access to opportunities and resources ; Their   right to have the power to control their own lives , both within and outside the home; Their ability to influence the direction of social change to create a more just social and economic order , nationally and internationally. (UN’s definition of women’s empowerment)   How do we become more empowered? Become self-aware. Forgive yourself if need be and accept who you are. Know yourself and be very comfortable in your own skin! That way, nobody will have power over you! Know that you are worthy and have a right to be here or there, to ask for what is needed, and to be heard. Don't believe the lie that you can't, are not worthy, or that you are incapable as a person, or a woman! It's just not true. Educate...

Well-being with Marie - Extraordinary living: Kissing, it’s all in a kiss…The science of kissing...

Well-being with Marie - Extraordinary living: Kissing, it’s all in a kiss…The science of kissing... : Kissing, it’s all in a kiss… The science of kissing - Philematology Hmmm kissing, yummy, delicious, sensual… Just imagine it, the i...

Kissing, it’s all in a kiss…The science of kissing - Philematology

Kissing, it’s all in a kiss… The science of kissing - Philematology Hmmm kissing, yummy, delicious, sensual… Just imagine it, the initial exhilarating - electrifying attraction. Before your lips actually make magnetic contact, there is that intoxicating, dizzying, barely there, close proximity, intensity - eyes with a downward gaze, fixed on the fleshy facial objects of desire.   By this stage your bodies are connected by parallel contact of some form.   This is the ultra-sensual, pheromone like, hypnotic pull towards each others inviting luscious lips…   Then, in a trance like state, there is the deep automatic inhalation and the final lip lick, just split seconds before your blood filled, moist & ready lips pucker up and engage with one another’s . We explore with our tongues, caress with our lips. Unconsciously, we inhale deeply - Olfactory senses kick in! We are literally breathing in each others scent, and tasting each others saliva. Th...

Platonic friendships and your well-being, how do w...

Well-being with Marie - Extraordinary living: Platonic friendships and your well-being, how do w... : Platonic friendships and your well-being Platonic friendships, opposite sex bonding and attraction patterns… Is it possible to main...

Platonic friendships and your well-being, how do we maintain our platonic friendships????

Platonic friendships and your well-being Platonic friendships, opposite sex bonding and attraction patterns… Is it possible to maintain & sustain a friendship with the opposite sex, or of the same sex if gay, without actually having SEX? As an eternal ‘TOM-BOY’   “Definition   - noun -   an energetic, sometimes boisterous girl whose behavior and pursuits, especially in games and sports, are considered more typical of boys than of girls.”  ...   And as a ‘ FREE SPIRIT’ “definition - noun - a person with a highly individual or unique attitude, lifestyle, or imagination; nonconformist.   I can tell you that it is highly possible! Meaningful deep friendships between heterosexual opposite genders (or same sex if gay) are possible, yet can be tricky, especially if at times feelings may become blurred or confused. The important thing is to think through the attraction! The initial attraction that you may feel towards your friend of the oppos...

Well-being with Marie - Extraordinary living: Humiliation and negative emotions – How do we deal...

Well-being with Marie - Extraordinary living: Humiliation and negative emotions – How do we deal... :   Humiliation and negative emotions – How do we deal with difficult negative emotions that affect our self-esteem & sense of se...

Humiliation and negative emotions – How do we deal with difficult negative emotions?

  Humiliation and negative emotions – How do we deal with difficult negative emotions that affect our self-esteem & sense of self-worth? How to move out of your negative space into a better space…? Some of these descriptive words below might have some resonance with you… Ashamed Beaten down Cut down Criticized Dehumanized Disrespected Embarrassed Humiliated Inferior Insulted Invalidated Labeled Lectured to Mocked Offended Put down Powerless Resentful Ridiculed Stereotyped Teased Underestimated Worthless What does it mean? If you are experiencing any of the above negative emotions, it means that something traumatic has taken place in your life, which has left you angry, humiliated, resentful, embarrassed, powerless, and confused. It could be that your partners has left you for someone else, you were fired from your job, your partner cheated on you, you are being accused of something,   someone may be bullying you, you might have fail...

Well-being with Marie - Extraordinary living: Domestic violence & narcissism – What every person...

Well-being with Marie - Extraordinary living: Domestic violence & narcissism – What every person... : Domestic violence & narcissism – What every person should know! Being in a relationship with a narcissist can be devastating and...

Domestic violence & narcissism – What every person should know! Being in a relationship with a narcissist can be devastating and extremely abusive!

Domestic violence & narcissism – What every person should know! Being in a relationship with a narcissist can be devastating and extremely abusive! Domestic violence and emotional abuse are behaviors used by one person in a relationship to control the other. Partners may be married or not married; heterosexual, gay, or lesbian; living together, separated or dating. Examples of abuse include: ■ name-calling or putdowns ■ keeping a partner from contacting their family or friends ■ withholding money ■ stopping a partner from getting or keeping a job ■ actual or threatened physical harm ■ sexual assault ■ stalking ■ intimidation Violence can be criminal and includes physical assault (hitting, pushing, shoving, etc.), sexual abuse (unwanted or forced sexual activity), and stalking. Although emotional, psychological abuse (such as gas-lighting) and financial abuse are not criminal behaviors, however, they are form...