
Showing posts from February, 2012

WELLNESS With Marie - Dimensions of living: WELLNESS: WHAT IS IT ALL ABOUT?

WELLNESS With Marie - Dimensions of living: WELLNESS: WHAT IS IT ALL ABOUT?

WELLNESS With Marie - Dimensions of living: What is well-being? and how does it relate to our ...

WELLNESS With Marie - Dimensions of living: What is well-being? and how does it relate to our ... : What is Well-Being? I had to share this excerpt from my 'guru' Martin E.P Seligman. His work continues to inspire me! I hope it will do ...

What is well-being? and how does it relate to our happiness?

What is Well-Being? I had to share this excerpt from my 'guru' Martin E.P Seligman.  His work continues to inspire me! I hope it will do the same for you! What is Well-Being? Martin E.P. Seligman, April 2011 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This an excerpt from Flourish: A Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well-Being The Original Theory: Authentic Happiness Positive psychology, as I intend it, is about what we choose for its own sake. I chose to have a back rub in the Minneapolis airport recently because it made me feel good. I chose the back rub for its own sake, not because it gave my life more meaning or for any other reason. We often choose what makes us feel good, but it is very important to realize that often our choices are not made for the sake of how we will feel. I chose to listen to my six-year-old’s excruciating piano recital last night, not because it made me feel good but because it is my paren...

Emotional Wellness

Emotional Wellness: What is it?    Emotional wellness is closely related to all the other dimensions of wellness, like a vein that that runs through all the dimensions. Your emotional wellness is all about how you manage your feelings and related behaviours as well as being able to realistically assess them. Emotional wellness also lends itself to your ability to cope with and manage stress. An emotionally well person for example is better able to maintain lasting rewarding relationships with others (Social Wellness) Emotional wellness is the cousin of Emotional Intelligence. Being emotionally well means that you are aware of your own and others feelings. An emotionally well person has a level of trust in his or her own decisions and choices and is able to manage these in a rewarding and effective way. “Emotional wellness is striving to meet emotional needs constructively. It is maintaining good mental health, a positive attitude, healthy sense of self-esteem, a...


WELLNESS:  WHAT IS IT ALL ABOUT? Most of us have heard the word WELLNESS in the media, at our gyms, from our doctors, therapists, psychologists, spiritual leaders, we see it in advertising, we hear about it at our places of work and see it on the products we consume. Wellness is being shouted at us on a daily basis, but what does it all mean? Many people think of wellness in terms of physical health & wellness or often confuse wellness with physical fitness, in other words – maintaining a healthy body, keeping your body physically fit through regular exercise, eating nutritious food that nourishes and fuels our bodies, and going for regular medical check-ups to prevent disease. This is physical wellness and it is only one of many dimensions or aspects of wellness. So let’s look at what wellness really means and what it means to our lives... “Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a more successful li...